St. John's Windish Evangelical Lutheran Church
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General Information:
The Address is 617 East 4th Street, Bethlehem, Pa. 18015-1805.  The telephone number is 610-868-3282, FAX number is 610-868-7324, web site is, our e-mail address is  We have an 8 AM chapel service each Sunday.  St. John’s also has a 10:45 AM worship service in the sanctuary.  The 3rd Sunday of each month is the day we follow a more contemporary worship service at 10:45.  This is also when the Sunday school children sing.  During the summer months, there is only one (1) worship service at 9 AM.  In 2008, this begins the second week of June.  Communion is offered every week during the year—1st & 3rd Sunday at 10:45 AM in the nave, 2nd & 4th at the 8 AM Chapel service.  The 1st & 3rd Sunday during the summer is the only time communion is offered and it is by Intinction.  This means Pastor offers you the wafer and you proceed to the communion assistant, dip the wafer in the chalice of wine and then place it in your mouth.  For those who are ill or homebound, we have Eucharistic Ministers to give communion to those who request it.  Communion is an important part of your membership at St. John’s.  The hymns are listed in our weekly bulletins with LBW (green Lutheran Book of Worship) or WOV (blue With One Voice).  The worship service begins in the front of the LBW (page 77) and the hymns are in the back section of the same book or in the WOV book.  On the lectionaries included in your weekly bulletin, you will find the Prayer of the Day, the Lessons, the Psalms (the cantor sings the first line, congregation sings the second line) and the Gospel.

There are large print hymnals and hearing assisting devices on the red table in the center vestibule.  There are also large print hymnals on each of the back windowsills in the sanctuary.

Parking—St. John’s owns the parking lot across the street from the church.  Parking is available in the first bay (on 4th Street) only.  We lease the other two bays to the Bethlehem Parking Authority.  Should you want to park in our portion of the lot for other than church business during the week, it is important that you notify the office.  Otherwise you will be ticketed.

In order to remain a member in good standing, you must have a communion of record at least once a year, fill out a communion card found on the back of each pew.  You also must use your offering envelopes in order to have a record of your contributions.  A statement will be sent twice a year (July and January).  January is the year-end statement for your records and income tax.  Weekly offering is the only offering going toward your pledge.  Pledge cards are sent out in September/October of each year to aid us in planning our budget.

There are two (2) Congregation Meetings each year.  One is the 3rd Sunday in November to elect new council members (each serves a three (3) year term and no more than two (2) consecutively elected terms).  Any member is welcome to run for Church Council.  They are actually sworn in February and take office in March but can attend the monthly council meetings from the November election until taking office without being able to vote.  This is also the meeting to approve the proposed budget for the next year.  The other meeting is the 4th Sunday in February to accept all of the year end reports, which you receive about two (2) weeks prior to the meeting.  You are asked to submit any questions in writing before this meeting in order to get a properly researched answer. 

Church Council meets the first Monday of each month at 7:00 PM.  The only exceptions are during the summer and Labor Day.  They meet the 2nd Monday in September and have one (1) picnic meeting usually in July. 

Greeters are usually in the center vestibule in the back of church on Sunday mornings.  Their job is to hand out bulletins and say good morning to all who come to worship.  They also wish everyone a good day after worship at the side vestibules (Pastor is in the center).  Greeters are volunteers and are assigned about six to eight weeks in advance.  Contact the church office to be a greeter—610-868-3282.

Ushers are also volunteers who can answer questions of visitors (directions to bathrooms, etc.).  They are positioned in the vestibules on each side of the church (greeters are in the center).  Ushers will be in the center vestibule until the greeters arrive.  Offering is collected by the ushers and taken to the altar.  During communion Sundays, the ushers guide the worshippers to the altar rail.  Call the office to volunteer.

If you want to sponsor altar flowers, candles or bulletins any particular week, just sign up on the special calendar hanging in the center vestibule and be sure to fill out one of the information sheets on the radiator and turn it in to the office with your payment.  We can only have one sponsor for each item.

We have potted flowers sponsored by many people three times a year:  Easter (Lilies and Azaleas), Pentecost (Geraniums), and Christmas (Poinsettias).  The cost is determined by the grower.  Forms for these sponsorships are always in the bulletins several weeks before the designated season.  These are usually sponsored in memory of or in honor of someone.  A listing of the sponsored plants is included in the bulletin for that special day.  <return to top>

Our church is an active part of Southside Ministries, an outreach program for the Southside of Bethlehem.  There is a thrift shop in the Cathedral Church of the Nativity at 321 Wyandotte Street where good (only if you would give it to your best friend) used clothing is accepted for resale.  There are vouchers available for those in need of the Thrift Shop clothing. 

Thrift Shop proceeds help fund our ecumenical Vacation Bible School (VBS) held the first two weeks after the fourth of July.  Classes are from 6:15 to 8:15 PM.  Sandwiches will be available at 5:30 PM for the students.  We always welcome new teachers, helpers and students.  Junior Staff can get community service hours for VBS and other projects handled by SSM. 

The thrift shop proceeds also fund any other programs we develop.  Currently there are dances for the teens, activity nights for the younger children, a community picnic and youth bowling.  These are always free of charge to the students. 

We always need new volunteers for the Southside Ministries activities and for the Thrift Shop.  It is also through this organization that we prepare a meal at New Bethany Meal Center the 5th Tuesday of any designated month.  This requires a commitment of about 4 or 5 times a year.  Lynn Long is currently in charge of our meal center team. 

Other member churches are First United Church of Christ, Fourth Church of God,
St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Holy Ghost Roman Catholic Church, and the Cathedral Church of the Nativity (Episcopal).  Barbara Taylor is the Coordinator for SSM.  The office phone number is 610-865-9405; the Thrift Shop phone number is 610-867-6764. 

We are also active in our support of South Bethlehem Neighborhood Center (SBNC).  There is a box in the East and West entrances to church to collect non-perishable food for the Center.  All persons coming to our doors seeking assistance are referred to the Center.  SBNC is able to aid persons with medications, food, etc.  They can direct individuals in many ways to gain the assistance necessary.  St. John’s also participates in “Souper Bowl” Sunday offering each year and all the monies donated go to the food bank at South Bethlehem Neighborhood Center, which can be reached at 610-865-2791.  <return to top>

Coffee Hours—St. John’s offers a coffee hour (actually from 10:00 AM to the start of worship service) in the Education Building’s Kaiser Auditorium.  Volunteers prepare the coffee (supplied by church along with a plastic container marked with tape for measuring the coffee) at 9:00 AM, and bring doughnuts, cookies, bagels, etc. and sometimes juice for the children in warmer weather.  One pot of coffee is put on and one pot of just water for the tea and cocoa.  Church also supplies the paper products, tea and hot cocoa.  There is a sign up sheet on the doors leading up to the Kaiser Auditorium.  <return to top>

Sunday School Classes—There are classes for all ages.  Adults meet at 9:00 AM in the Conference Room (lower level off the Chapel).  Pre-school and school age students meet in the rooms designated for their grade level (also downstairs) at
9:00 AM.  Classes usually begin the Sunday after Labor Day in September and end in May (check the newsletters for dates). 

Catechetical Class—Students in 7th grade should be registered for Catechetical Class.  This is a two year program from September to Pentecost (the day of Confirmation) taught by Pastor Gary at 9:15 AM in the Banko Lounge.

Lunch Bunch—St. John’s has a Bible study group led by Pastor Gary that meets the 1st and the 3rd Wednesday, October through May at Noon.  Everyone brings a lunch (if they choose).  There is coffee, tea and hot cocoa available.  The class actually begins at 12:30 PM until 1:30 PM. <return to top>

Committees that keep our church running smoothly with the help of our parishioner participants are:

Christian Education—Oversees all educational ventures of the Congregation (e.g. Sunday School, adult education classes, seminars, retreats, etc.) plus all groups of the congregation such as women’s circles, youth groups, etc.  Sherry Koch is the current chairperson. (Sharon Lintner is the current Sunday School Superintendent.)

Youth—A sub-committee of the Christian Education committee, it is specially charged with all youth related activities and projects within the congregation.  Sherry Koch is the chairperson.

Worship and Music—Provides guidance for the worship and musical life of the congregation that includes all worship services, music, etc.  Linda Luther-Veno is the current chairperson.

Evangelism and Social Ministry—They are currently a combined committee.  Evangelism’s primary responsibility is to insure that the Congregation proclaims “Good News” of Jesus Christ to its community through evangelical outreach activities and involvement.  It also has the task of seeking new members.  Social Ministry directs the congregation as it responds to human need, works for justice and peace, cares for the sick and suffering, and participates responsibly in society.  This committee also determines where our Fifth Sunday Mission offering is directed.  Jessica Bobal is the current chairperson.

Property—They have oversight of the care, repair, protection, maintenance and improvement of all church property (e.g. real estate, buildings, equipment, etc.) Ron Leposa is the current chairperson.

Finance—Has direct oversight and control of all financial matters and budgets of the congregation.  Joe Boligitz is the current chairperson.

Stewardship—Has responsibility for motivating members to provide financial support for the congregation’s ministry and the ministry of the wider church (benevolence).  Ken Remaly is the current chairperson.

Second Century Renovations Committee--Ken Remaly is the current chairperson.

Social Activities—Coordinates all social activities and events for the congregation.  Julie Fortley is the current chairperson.

Altar Society—They have teams of people scheduled monthly to polish the communion ware in the sacristy and chapel.  This is also the group that organizes our dinners.  Kathy Remaly is the president.

Fellowship—This committee will provide fellowship and light refreshments for special church functions (e.g. Thanksgiving Eve, Christmas Vespers, etc.).  Lynn Long is the chairperson.

New Beginnings Committee—This committee is currently planning events for our 100th Anniversary to be celebrated 2009 to 2010.  They also have sub-committees like the Cookbook Committee.  Frank Podleiszek is the chairperson.

Thrivent/Habitat for Humanity—Ron Leposa is the current person in charge of this endeavor.  There are Lutheran Habitat Homes built on the Southside of Bethlehem (usually 2 a year).  There is a Blitz Week (actually 2 weeks in May) to get all the framing up and the roof on.  In order to get the full benefit of money from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Habitat must have a majority of volunteers from local Lutheran churches and each church is asked to make a monetary donation which is matched by Thrivent.  We need volunteers to work at these Habitat for Humanity Homes. 

Counting Teams—Each team comes in on a Monday morning once a month to count the offering.  Call the office to volunteer.

Sacristans (Altar Guild)—St. John’s Altar Guild’s sole responsibility is to take care of setting up for communion, cleaning up after communion, changing the paraments when necessary, etc.  Contact the office or Kathy Novak to volunteer to be on one of the teams.

Visioning Committee - TBA

You can contact any of the above mentioned chairpersons through the Church office via e-mail or phone (610-868-3282).

All interested persons from our church membership are welcome to join one or more of these committees.  St. John’s is your congregation and we need your help to carry out our parish mission and ministry!!!   <return to top>